A plan for every need
Our plans are designed to meet the requirements of companies of all stages. Get the right plan that suits you.
For indie hackers working on new ideas!
- 1 user
- Includes all features
- Unlimited services
- Unlimited environments
- Works with AWS credits
- For personal/pre-revenue projects
- + AWS resources cost
Perfect for growing teams.
- Up to 3 users
- Unlimited services
- Unlimited environments
- Works with AWS credits
- Service desk support
- Account manager
- + AWS resources cost
For larger teams that are scaling.
- Up to 10 users
- Unlimited services
- Unlimited environments
- Works with AWS credits
- Done-with-you set up and migrations
- 24/7 support
- Account manager
- + AWS resources cost
For enterprise contact sales
Frequently asked questions
Get answers to common questions about our platform and features.
You can opt to discontinue using StationOps whenever you choose without affecting your application. Your application resides in your own AWS account, with our access lasting only as long as you permit.
You can deploy any language/framework using StationOps.
Yes, if you add a Dockerfile to the root of your application project we will use when deploying.
A project means your entire application. Your frontend/backend, databases, S3 buckets etc… are all included in this.
No, the StationOps subscription only includes the set up of infrastructure and CI/CD. You will still be billed by AWS as normal for the resources provisioned by devbop.